How To Get Rid Of Wasp Nest ( Attics, Roof Eaves & Tiles)

  • Written By: Phil Hawes
  • Time to read: 7 min.
wasp nest in eaves of home

No one wants to be stung by a wasp, and no one wants the hassle of dealing with a pesky nest. Luckily, there are ways you can get rid of these nests without having to worry about being attacked or getting hurt while doing it! In this article, I will give you all the information you need on how to remove wasps from your roof or inside your attic.

To remove a wasp nest you first have to kill off the colony by using a chemical powder, which may require at least two applications. When the wasps are dead, you can remove the nest. Removing a wasp nest, especially one in a difficult-to-access location, can be extremely dangerous so don’t attempt this without the right tools and knowledge.

Wasps are going to defend their home, so attacking a nest is not for the faint-hearted and could, in some extreme cases, be lethal.

So, for your own safety make sure that you read this entire article before deciding if you are really up to the challenge of doing this without professional help.

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How do you neutralize a wasp nest from the exterior of your roof?

Wasp nests found in attics or under the tiles or eaves of a roof can be removed with a hardware store anti-wasp powder which is applied directly to the entrance of the nest. This is best done when the wasps are at rest and when the maximum number of the colony can be covered and affected by the chemicals in the powder.

The first step in getting rid of a wasp nest is to identify where it is. Look for the following signs: 

-Many wasps flying around your house and yard, especially at dusk or dawn

-A strong musty smell coming from an area on your roof, under eaves or tiles, or in an attic space near a gutter that can’t be explained by rotting wood alone

-You may also hear a cracking sound, which is a colony at work building a new nest

The ideal tool to use against a wasp nest is one that shoots a powder right into the entrance of the nest. This will kill the wasps and make it easier to remove later (if you want to do this – read my article here about the risks of leaving a nest alone).

As the powder used is aimed at disabling the wasps themselves, you want to attack the nest at the time that most of the colony is home. This is usually in the early evening when they are not out feeding.

The best time to attack a nest with powder would be at dusk (around 18:00) as this will give you plenty of light and it’s less likely that any wasps are missing. However, as soon as you do start to threaten a wasp nest, the colony will be alerted and they’ll start to fly out and will attack you in turn.

This is why you need to act quickly, apply the wasp powder to the entrance of the nest and swiftly retreat to a safe distance or into your house.

If you have any pets, make sure that they are out of the way before attacking as wasps will attack them too and this could be very dangerous for your pet!

After you have dealt this first blow, keep an eye on the nest over the next few days. What almost always happens is that some newly hatched wasps will start to emerge. This is when you need to hit the nest a second time to finish it off.

A third or fourth application could be necessary depending on your aim, the size of the nest, and the time of year.

Once you have seen that the nest is dormant for at least a week or two, then you could consider removing it entirely if it’s easy to access.

If the nest is in a difficult-to-access place, then you may need professional help. Call your local pest control company and they will be able to give advice on how best to deal with it for an affordable price!

After that of course, you want to stop it from happening again if at all possible.

The best way to avoid this is by keeping your property clean and tidy, as wasps are attracted more often in areas where there’s a lot going on such as trash bins or food leftovers! This will also help you keep other pests away like flies for example.

How to safely kill a wasp nest from inside your roof

Before attempting to kill off a wasp nest inside your roof, it’s important to consider safety and know your exit strategy. Protective clothing is highly recommended as is a wasp powder that will easily flow out of the container. Never attempt this when children or pets are present and try to apply the powder in the early evening.

Removing a wasp nest from within your attic is much more dangerous than removing one from outside. This is because you have to go into the attic, which is dark, and likely the nest will be in a difficult place to access place.

Of course, it’s also harder to escape an attic, and you will want to when it starts filling up with angry wasps.

If you are not confident in your ability or safety equipment then it’s best that this job is left up for professionals! They will know how safe they can make their work environment while still being able to do what needs doing.

For the bolder reader, it would be wise to don some sort of protective clothing, ideally a beekeeper’s suit, and make sure that everyone else is out of the house if possible.

Then, you need to do the same thing as you would with an exterior nest, cover the entrance of the nest with wasp powder. Again, it’s best to do this in the evening when the wasps are less active.

If you are lucky, the wasps will die and stay in there overnight – but it’s best to keep an eye on them for a few days just in case they decide not to do what we want! If that happens then repeat this process until all of your problems have been solved.

How long does it take to kill off a colony of wasps?

It takes approximately 2 days to exterminate a colony of living wasps, however, this may not include newly hatching wasps after the initial application. Many factors can add time to this estimate including the product used, the skill of the person, and how well the powder infiltrates the nest.

Unfortunately, the answer to this question is not straightforward. It depends on the size of your colony, what type it’s made up of and how many nests you have in different locations around a property – but I can give an estimate! If there are less than 50 wasps then they should be dead within 24 hours; if between 100-200, it’s going to take a little longer for the poison in the powder to be spread around the colony and kill them all.

If you have a large number of wasps, then it’s going to take longer for every single one in your nest(s) – but I can’t give an accurate time frame because there are really too many variables!

When doing this, you’ll have to observe the wasp nest over a few days to determine how successful the treatment was.

Will new wasps return to an old nest and reinhabit it?

A new colony of wasps, following their queen, is unlikely to reclaim a dormant nest whether they were the previous occupants or not. However, there is evidence that a new colony may be encouraged by the presence of an old nest and actually repurpose it as material for a new one. Therefore, killing and removing a nest is preferable.

Like most animals, wasps won’t return to their nest or another nest that is empty. In terms of pests control, however, it is important to note that wasps will likely return if there are other nests in the vicinity.

It makes sense as the previous tenants found the location suitable, so the new migrants will probably get the same benefits from your roof.

The best way of killing a nest and preventing new ones from forming would be by using an insecticide spray or dusting it with boric acid powder which can kill all insects inside but not harm humans when dry (although they should avoid breathing any in).

Should you call a professional to deal with your wasp’s nest?

It is entirely possible for most homeowners to effectively remove a wasp nest themselves, however, there are inherent dangers associated with doing this.

If you don’t have the appropriate safety equipment and tools, such as a stable ladder, do not attempt to get on your own roof to tackle a wasp nest.

If you are not confident in your ability to use the insecticide spray or dusting powder, then it is best that a professional be called. They will have all of this equipment and know-how on hand so they can do an effective job for minimal cost (usually).

The average cost of a wasp nest removal, according to my sources, is $375 and ranges from a little as $100 and as much as $1300 depending on the job.

Unlike other pests, such as ants and rodents, wasps are more than likely to attack if they feel threatened.

This is why it’s important to take the necessary precautions when removing a wasp nest from your property, and not do so without being properly equipped or trained in how best to remove them safely.

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Leaving A Wasps Nest Alone: Should You Take Action or Not?

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