The Top Hotspots For Chiggers In The USA (With Maps)

  • Written By: Phil Hawes
  • Time to read: 7 min.

Summertime is the time for outdoor fun, but it can also be a time for pesky little bugs. Chiggers are one of those bugs that can ruin your good time. These tiny red creatures like to bite and cause irritation, especially around the legs and waistline.

If you’re planning on spending any time outdoors this summer, it’s important to be aware of where chiggers are most commonly found so you can protect yourself from these pests.

In this article, I’ll give you a quick and convenient guide to where you will find these critters. Check out my map of the top hotspots for chiggers in the USA and learn how to avoid them!

What are chiggers exactly?

Chiggers are the larvae (immature stages) of certain mites in the family Trombiculidae. They are also sometimes called redbugs or harvest lice. Only the female chigger bites and feeds on animals or humans.

Contrary to popular belief, chiggers do not burrow into the skin, but they pierce it and insert their ‘feeding tube’ into a small blood vessel. Chiggers feed for several days, during which time they swell to many times their original size as they fill with blood. When full, the chigger falls off the host and molts into its next stage of development.

Chigger bites usually result in intense itching and redness. (See my full article about chigger bites for more details). Scratching can lead to secondary infections. The best way to avoid chigger bites is to avoid areas where these pests are common. Chiggers are most active in grassy, brushy, or wooded areas from early spring to late summer.

When hiking in such areas, wear long pants and socks tucked into your boots or shoes, and use insect repellent on your skin and clothing. If you do get chigger bites, take a hot (not scalding) shower or bath, and wash thoroughly with soap to remove the mites.

Applying a topical steroid cream or lotion may help relieve the itching. If the itching is severe, your doctor may prescribe an oral antihistamine or corticosteroid medication.

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Geographic distribution of chiggers in the USA

When it comes to finding chiggers in the USA, you need to understand the natural habitat they thrive in. These tiny red mites are found in overgrown grasses and weeds, as well as in moist areas such as riverbanks or lakeshores.

Chiggers in The USA - guide

They are most commonly found in the Midwest, Southeast, and Great Lakes regions of the United States. However, these little pests are not isolated to the States and can be encountered across the globe in the right climatic conditions.


Are there chiggers in Texas?

There are chiggers in Texas, but they are not as common as in other parts of the country. Chiggers are small mites that burrow into the skin and cause intense itching. They are most often found in tall grasses and weeds. In Texas, you can find chiggers mainly in the season of late spring and early summer. Chiggers are more common in humid areas, so they are also found along the Gulf Coast. If you think you have been bitten by a chigger, see your doctor or dermatologist for treatment.


Are there chiggers in Florida?

In the spring, juvenile chiggers generally overwinter in sheltered places and become active in the spring, although they may be active all year in South Florida. In the northern part of their range, including much of Florida, chiggers molt into adults in late spring or early summer and become inactive until the following spring. Chigger activity generally decreases as temperatures increase in late summer and fall.


Are there chiggers in Michigan?

Michigan has a variety of different types of terrain, from forests to wetlands, so it’s no surprise that the state is home to many different types of insects. Chiggers are most often found in tall grasses and weeds. In Michigan, you can find them in the spring and summer. Chiggers are more common in humid areas, so they are also found along the Great Lakes.


Are there chiggers in California?

They may be found in grassy areas and forests, as well as around lakes and streams. In California, chiggers are most often found in the spring and summer. Chiggers are more common in humid areas, so they can also be found along the coast.


Are there chiggers in Arizona?

In Arizona, chigger-infested locations are difficult to detect and avoid. If you’ll be spending some time in areas with heavy vegetation (including open grasslands), it’s a good idea to take some precautions. Long pants, long-sleeved shirts, and high-top boots or shoes will all assist. In addition, tuck your pants into your socks, and spray an insect repellent containing DEET on exposed skin and clothing. CIn Arizona, you can find them in the spring and summer.


Are there chiggers in Colorado?

They are not common in Colorado, but they do exist in certain natural areas during the summer months. Chiggers are most frequently found in areas with plenty of grass, usually near bodies of water.


Are there chiggers in Georgia?

We have two species in Georgia: the coastal plain variety and the northern variety. Chiggers aren’t likely to be found in places with no vegetation or overhead protection. They’re susceptible to dehydration, so they must remain in shaded areas with a lot of humidity.


Are there chiggers in Missouri?

Chiggers are common in the state of Missouri. Not only are they all over, from north to south and east to west. They like wooded areas, lawns, fields, and golf courses. You can find them in the spring and summer. Chiggers are more common in humid areas, so they are also found along the Missouri River.


Are there chiggers in Pennsylvania?

Chiggers are most often found in forests, gardens, and damp natural environments. They are present throughout the state of Pennsylvania and can be found in the spring and summer.


Are there chiggers in Wisconsin?

Chiggers are found in wooded areas, meadows, and along streams and lakes. They’re most active from late spring to early fall. You can find them in the southern and central parts of the state, as well as along the rivers.


Are there chiggers in Oregon?

Chiggers are found in wooded areas and brushy areas, as well as in gardens and lawns. They’re most active from late spring to early fall. You can find them throughout the state of Oregon.


Are there chiggers in Washington?

Chiggers are found in Washington State in areas with dense vegetation, such as forests and brushy areas. They’re most active from late spring to early fall. You can find them throughout the state of Washington.


Are there chiggers in Arkansas?

Chiggers are a common problem in Arkansas. Chiggers are just one of those difficult pests that we have to deal with in the Natural State, alongside ticks and scorpions.


Are there chiggers in Kansas?

In Kansas, there are at least 46 distinct chigger mite species. All chiggers have a parasitic hatching stage (larva) that attacks animals. The adult mites do not bite. Chiggers are found in wooded areas, brushy areas, and in damp natural environments such as along the edges of lakes and streams. They’re most active from late spring to early fall. You can find them throughout the state of Kansas.

New York

Are there chiggers in New York?

You can find chiggers in New York in late spring and summer. Chiggers are more common in humid areas, so they can also be found along the coast. In New York, chiggers are most often found in the Catskill Mountains and in the Hudson Valley.


Are there chiggers in Tennessee?

Chiggers are found in wooded areas and along streams and lakes. They’re most active from late spring to early fall. You can find them throughout the state of Tennessee.


Do chiggers live in Minnesota?

Chiggers can be found in Minnesota primarily due to wet weather in the area. The hot and humid weather creates the perfect conditions for chiggers to live and thrive.


Are there chiggers in Illinois?

Chiggers are found in wooded areas and along streams and lakes. They’re most active from late spring to early fall. You can find them throughout the state of Illinois.


Are there chiggers in Virginia?

Chiggers can be found in Virginia from late spring to early fall. Chiggers are most often found in forests, gardens, and damp natural environments. You can find them throughout the state of Virginia.


Are there chiggers in Maine?

The weaher of Maine is perfect for chiggers. The humid and wet conditions are ideal for these pests to live and thrive. You can find chiggers in Maine from late spring to early fall.


Are there chiggers in Utah?

Utah weather is primarily hot and dry, which is not ideal for chiggers. However, they can still be found in the state from late spring to early fall. Chiggers are most often found in wooded areas and along streams and lakes.


Are there chiggers in Las Vegas?

Las Vegas is located in the Mojave Desert, which is a hot and dry environment. This climate is not ideal for chiggers, but they can still be found in the state from late spring to early fall. Chiggers are most often found in wooded areas and along streams and lakes.


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